We empower people and organizations in their internal conversations by building confidence, fostering transparency, and cultivating a culture of respect and fairness that aligns with ambitious goals and expectations.

We are


Companies & Organizations

We offer HR consultancy services to companies, helping shape organizational structure, empower talent, train teams and individuals, and manage stakeholder expectations.


We help people prepare and structure difficult workplace conversations with confidence. For example, if you need support on how to ask for a raise, for a promotion, or even on how to clarify some misunderstood expectatons.

High Schools & Universities

We help students get ready for the workplace by educating them on what to expect and how the job market really works. We show them how to search for jobs effectively, negotiate their salaries, and understand company policies.

We consult on:

Organizational Structure and Leadership

Onboarding process and Employer Branding

Team Development and Talent Management

We guide on:

Salary raise and growth requests

Difficult conversations at work

Work Expectations Management

Public Speaking and Presentions (SPECIAL) 

We educate on:

Job Search and Workplace Expectations

Contract and Salary negotiation

Understanding Company Policies

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